Yin Yoga Friday Night Ritual
Yin Yoga Friday Night Ritual
2nd and 4th Friday Evenings
6:00 - 7:30 pm PST
Online LIVE through ZOOM
There is now an option to buy a set of 4 classes for $55. This class meets on the second and fourth Friday of every month, unless another workshop is scheduled on one of those dates.
Yin Yoga is the perfect way to end the work week and step into the “pause” of the weekend, especially in this uncertain, stressful time.
This ritual yoga practice of letting go of the week, clearing your mind and de-stressing your body, offers you a pause from life as we know it right now. Each class will combine pranayama - breath work to open your lungs and to calm the mind, along with the deep stretching, which supports organ health, and finally you’ll be bathed in dreamy poetry that speaks to the soul.
Join me live online with ZOOM from the comfort of your own home to close your week and enter into a serene state of being for the weekend.
ONLINE through ZOOM You will need to download ZOOM to participate in this class. You’ll also need a comfortable place in your home where you will be uninterrupted for an hour and a half. There you will set up your laptop to watch the class. Go to www.zoom.us to download.