Write like you’re a goddamn death row inmate and the governor is out of the country and there’s no chance for a pardon. Write like you’re clinging to the edge of a cliff, white knuckles, on your last breath, and you’ve got just one last thing to say, like you’re a bird flying over us and you can see everything, and please, for God’s sake, tell us something that will save us from ourselves. Take a deep breath and tell us your deepest, darkest secret, so we can wipe our brow and know that we’re not alone. - Alan Wilson Watts
Bare Bones Writing
Winter Session: Living into your Dreams!
8 Sunday Afternoons
January 5-February 23, 2025
4:00 - 6:00 pm PST
Investment: $360
Living your best life is why you are here.
What fires you up?
What are you passionate about?
What have you put on the back burner?
The winter session of Bare Bones is devoted to leaning in to your desires and exploring your heart longs for. If not now when? I will be teaching this class from Colombia, S.A., which is one of my own dreams come true - to spend time abroad for an extended period of time. Join me to lean into your passions, your creativity, your exploration and unearth some discoveries.
We write by hand in a notebook!
Bare Bones Writing - What is it?
Write from the Heart…A Sacred Women’s Circle
Bare Bones Writing is ritual that is raw and real. Together we sit in a virtual circle and tell our stories. Through our stories we connect to our dreams, our grief, our human frailty and we see we are not alone. When we sit in circle together and write from a deeply authentic place we discover things bubbling inside of us we didn’t even know were there.
We write from a prompt that focuses on a theme for the session. The writing is timed and we write as fast as we can to race past the inner critic and write what is true and present. Once we write, we then read our work aloud to one another to feel the power of being witnessed. We do'n’t critique the work, but offer specific reflections back to one another. Each workshop is filled with the magic of who shows up making each session an alchemical experience of who is present.
Every one of us has stories to tell. Every one of us can write.
The stories we write are unpolished works that give you material to develop later. Some writing may turn into a poem, some may become an essay, some may become the start of a short story. Bare Bones gives you a place to show up, commit to your writing practice, discover what is brewing in you and be witnessed by the sacred circle of women.
Choose your life!
Is this for you? Maybe you’re a writer and you…
long to get back to your writing practice and need some support doing so
want to discover the deeper well within you from which you can write with abandon
want to step into the unknown of your writing to explore new territory
Or, perhaps you don’t consider yourself a writer and you
want to get past your inner critic who keeps you from sitting down with a blank page
are afraid to write down your truest, deepest thoughts on the page
long for a safe container to explore your creativity
Or it could be that you’re
longing for like-minded community and a supportive circle of creatives
have been longing to spark your creative life and haven’t known how
want to learn to listen deeply within and trust your own voice
What gets in the way of showing up to the blank page?
It’s our fear!
of feeling exposed and vulnerable
of our own inner critic who sabotages our best efforts
that we may not have anything to say and can’t do it
of not knowing how to access our inner knowing and creativity

A dance on the page through the inner landscape,
We dive headfirst into the depth of our unconscious.
The pen twirls and contorts,
Words flow,
We whiz by our inner critic,
As pieces of the past land in ink on white open space.
To look at.It’s us.
Right there.
To honor.
To love.
To nurture.
What we write comes
from the marrow of who we are,
It is our life, our humanity,
Revealed in our our own words.
Words from former students…
“ Diane’s Bare Bone writing course is such a soulful experience. She cultivates a sense of safety and empowerment—guiding us gently to get in touch with our most inner expressions, vulnerabilities, callings and true essence. I truly feel that people who write regularly or have never written before will benefit from the healing power of committing to their inner most thoughts without fear or judgement. It offers an opportunity to take one step closer to self-awareness, self-empowerment, and self-transformation.
“Bare Bones is the foundation that allows one to see their soul on paper. The power of writing in a small collective using the unconscious mind is life altering. The poetry and prompts are deep yet profoundly simple. There is truly not an ounce of time to ‘think.’ Only to write. This non-stop, pen to paper is where the magic begins.
““Writing: my biggest fear. This class actually got me to do it…and to enjoy it.”
“Practicing writing to the bone with Diane. I have learned to let the words come out and to examine them later. Diane’s writing course is one to open your heart mind and to develop courage to read your work. The small groups are warm and Diane is gifted at creating a safe and encouraging container for creativity and sharing.
“For years, I have had words locked inside my head that weren’t able to come out. Through working with Diane, I was able to help unlock the words from my brain and allow myself to jump outside of my personal journal and into a more “public” forum. Diane’s course allows us to learn to let go of fear, give into the creative flow and let the words out—sometimes words you didn’t even know were looking to escape. It’s a beautiful and transformative process.
Email me at diane@ibelove.com.
No. However you can apply any funds to a future workshop.
Not sure about how much time it will take?
The writing is done once a week in class online for 90-120 minutes.
Not sure if it’s the right time for you?
Here are a few questions to ponder:
Do you want to write? What’s holding you back?
What’s holding you back to commit for 6 or 8 weeks?
Is it the price? Is your creative life and your inner world worth investing in?