



CREATIVITY COACH – operating as your teacher, guide, and partner, I support you to explore your creativity through art journaling and writing.

ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER – here to hold you accountable to yourself and the goals and visions you set for your life.

A RITUALIST – co-creating meaningful rituals with you to celebrate and honor major passages of life. We create the ritual together.

MUSE & MENTOR – inspiring you to live your authentic life, I mentor you through a series of practices to discover your passion, creativity and self-expression.


About my teaching…

Every class, workshop or retreat I lead is a co-creative ritual directing you into the present moment and back to your SELF. Each practice is designed to connect you to your inner wisdom.

The root of my teaching in any modality is to become present. To strip away the layers of the mind that obscure the clarity of this moment.  By being present we activate and enjoy our lives. If we are in the past or the future, we miss what is in front of us.

Whether we are practicing yoga, making art or engaged in stream of consciousness writing practice, the focus of the teaching is to let the next moment unfold from an authentic impulse. In doing so we strengthen our connection to our own inner guidance.


A bit more of my story…

I have been an artist and a seeker all of my life. There have been many turning points in the road, and one of the major ones was twenty years ago when I went on a vision quest with Joan Halifax in New Mexico after a major car accident. It was a 12-day retreat, 4 of which each of us were alone on the mountain with 4 gallons of water, a tarp and ourselves. My big question was “What am I here to do?” I felt I’d been given a second chance at life.

The answer: “Be Present.”

I remember thinking, “Really, that’s it? Be present? Can’t you give me something more specific like become a nurse? Or a social worker? Or go into the Peace Corps?” I wanted concrete. I came down from the mountain somewhat perplexed, but happy to have received some kind of answer.

Several years into my yoga teaching journey I kind of “got it.” I was teaching people to become present. But it is now, meany years later I have a more integrated, deeper understanding of what it even means to be present. If I am present with the task at hand, THERE IS NOTHING ELSE. PERIOD.

But how do we get there in our fast paced, distracted technological era?

We can cultivate presence in anything we do. My modalities are movement and the creative arts. Each offers a different connection to some part of myself – writing, the mental, yoga and dance – the body, art - the heart.

The common thread of my teaching is becoming Present. For so long I wondered how teaching yoga, writing and creative process all came together, and now it seems so obvious. It is about allowing ourselves to commune with the Divinity of who we are – that essence of ourselves minus the personality, ego, triggers and life. It is about getting out of our own way.

Nothing delights me more than to see people find the joy in their own expression of who they are, because I know that feeling. It is enlivening, dare I say, intoxicating!

I invite you to join me to experience the joy of art journaling, yoga or a Bare Bones Writing class to discover what is blooming within you.