Creative Process Immersion 2022
Let 2022 be the year you commit to your creativity and inner freedom!
What is the
Creative Process Immersion?
The Creative Process Immersion is a year long incubator for growth and personal transformation. It is a small, committed group, making a journey of self discovery together using movement, writing and visual art.
It is about getting out of your own way to find the freedom of who you are and what you came to express. It is process driven, not product or goal driven. It is a way to anchor yourself within yourself rather than looking for validation from “out there” in the world.
How does it work?
During 2022 we will meet 9 times online via ZOOM for a three hour call to actively explore creativity using art journaling, painting, movement and writing. (See dates below)
Each month you will receive a few videos explaining the month’s theme before our meeting. There will be supplemental readings, music and journal questions each month to deepen the inner exploration. You will be invited to join a private Facebook Group for connection and inspiration.
When you register, you will receive a list of supplies you’ll need for the year. Each month there will be clear instructions on what and how we will be exploring each modality and their interplay.
Online, In-Person Zoom Gatherings
Sundays, 2:00 – 5:00 pm Pacific Time - Online
February 27th, March 27th, April 24th, May 22nd, June 26th, July 24th, September 25th, October 23rd, November 20th
The Creative Process as Teacher…
The creative process teaches us to play, to experiment, to trust, to take risks, to sit with discomfort, to let go, to not give up and to face our inner critic – who will want to stop us, who will try to stop us.
The creative process gives us a way to enter the flow state – that state of consciousness that is about full presence. When we are fully present, we are completely engaged with what we are doing. Nothing else exists, everything else is irrelevant.
When we are present, we know how to move into the next moment, we know what to do in the face of anything that comes our way. Learning this skill is invaluable because it allows us to stay centered and to move from our center in a topsy turvy, chaotic world.
Investment for the year
$1,350 investment for the year
$1,200 if paid in full by January 25, 2022
Limited to 20 participants
Your Guide
Hi there, I’m Diane Sherman. I am an interdisciplinary artist, having practiced and studied movement, writing and visual art for nearly four decades. I am a traveler of both the inner and outer worlds. I believe in magic - that we create our own magic in life and we can create our own joy even in the darkest of times.
I am here to guide you through the inroads of your own heart using the creative process as the main teacher. I am a facilitator of process, allowing the process itself to teach you what you are ready to learn.
I’ve traveled some dark roads and found the gold and the light of each journey - my father died when I was seven, I was hit by a car as a pedestrian in my thirties, my college roommate died when we were 28. I’ve gone through divorce, death, illness, and ALL the while I wrote, journaled, made art and integrated what I learned from each situation.
I also have a Master’s in Arts and Consciousness, have taught yoga and mindfulness practices for over 20 years.
I’d be honored to be your guide in 2022!